
Stalking My Professors

From my research about my professors, it seems like Professor Abdoney and Teaff most likely have a specific filter bubble. Their posts align with left-wing views, so they probably get a lot of those types of advertisements. Professor Abdoney also probably gets lots of advertisements geared towards outdoorsy, family-oriented people, and Professor Teaff probably gets lots of ads about theater, books, and art. The fact that they have such specific Internet profiles most likely prevents them from seeing posts from people with views contrary to their own.

After seeing how much I can find out about people that I only know through a professional setting, I may consider trying to clean up everything I have about myself on the Internet, and keep my profiles on private. Obviously we were given permission to go digging through our Professors’ pasts, but normally this would not be something I would want people doing to me.

Professor Abdoney seems to be your typical free-spirited librarian type. She posts lots of flowers, sewing, and artsy pictures. From her twitter posts, she seems to lean towards the liberal side. She is very involved in digital pedagogy conferences and is constantly learning more about digital culture. 

Professor Teaff is more of a mystery. Her Facebook is chock-full of birthday wishes and posts about books, but other than that, she doesn’t have too much personal information. She supports the LGBTQ+ community, and is a liberal and supports the #resist movement.

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